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Story smaller skyscraper in the world

 There is no doubt that there are many exotic buildings around the world, which is hiding behind the strangest stories, it is known that the skyscraper consists of several floors, but this only skyscraper consists of four floors.

Based Newby - McMahon smaller skyscraper in the world only 12 meters long, either single-storey 11 square meters.! And the building consists of a four-storey building ladders only occupies 25% of the total area of ​​the interior of the building is really strange to be called a skyscraper, but so funny story we will lists them.

In 1919, then began the oil boom in emerging shoved discover a series of oil fields in that city where there are this building and Leccia in Texas, after that breakthrough and the people selling everything owned buildings and oil fields in order to get rich quick and not in that period in the state Bomaclha buildings this appalling number of people to accommodate for the sale of oil fields.

 Was the sales take place in the streets until the Baobai McMahon for the establishment of a multi-storey building to serve the people who respond to sell own and then present the idea to the companies that have been entrusted to buy buildings and undiscovered oil fields to the extent that they have purchased the building before the end of construction at $ fabulous at that time $ 200 thousand, and it was this building served as inspiration for this kind of buildings, buildings of public services the entire state were not known this kind of buildings before despite being completely contrary to the Agreed.

However, upon completion of the building was not in conformity with the Specifications presented by them and the space required.! The companies filed a lawsuit on from the building, but he had left the state and were not able to catch up with the Bay.

And companies had to use the building until 1929, ended up completely from the sale and purchase of buildings and discovered fields, the building does not pose any aesthetic value, but they consider it from the heritage of the beginning of the oil era in the state and what the building is still standing and Arzdh many tourists and not wonder why.!


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