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Japanese oddity home mirrors

 Magic lies in the small details often small houses a small hut or booth is magic home completely covered small-sized mirrors, most of the things in this house because it changes depending on the light in the light of day will be brighter, and the house consists of a group of small curved mirrors Tafty home on the honeycomb body, amazing that this house has been designed to Ahaddaa festivals in Japan ..!

 The design engineer Hurami Yukatake and is undoubtedly the stunning very design reflects the shape of the mirrors curved greenery around him in a scene very magnificence and creativity created this house for Japanese Art Festival and gives the design look surreal depth to place due to change shape depending on the lighting, Hurami got Yukatake, who lives in the city of Toyama Japanese Master of Fine Arts from the College of Rhode Island in the design Providas home and surroundings with trees and greenery everywhere and above the side of the tin and timber house.

We review the creative side of the house:


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