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Natural phenomenon rare illuminated lake in Australia

 When you look to imagine that they image the artist what modified photoshop or a picture Albuqh own arts light photography and but the greatness of God, the Creator of the rarest of Western natural phenomena lake bright Ahadday natural wonders amazing and Lake charming among the lakes of Gippsland in the continent of Australia, is rich in particular of algae and that gives her all this glow.

 Surprisingly, discovered this phenomenon Nardh photographic artist filmed a friend of his successor lake to appear like a ghost amid light blue garish Ti_klt this phenomenon are heading for a number of natural factors created algae inside, such as storms and forest fires and floods led to a proliferation of algae in large quantities spread across to occur This strange phenomenon, as we humans benefit from them in extinguishing aesthetic spectacle fish also benefit from lighting to attract prey from the depths.

 The story began with the forest fires in the Alps in the state of Victoria, which began in December 2006 when a fire more than 70 forest and began through a series of thunderstorms and lightning, and moved to across the state, and after the dry autumn forest where the fires in remote areas have those Fire in the end to the presence of algae in the lake to bring those rare worldwide phenomenon.

  The lakes in Gippsland are a network of lakes and marshes and and is located in the east of Bahir Victoria and covers an area of ​​345 Clio square meters, 137 miles and the largest lakes are Lake Wellington and then King and Victoria and is fed all the lakes by the rivers Avon and Thomson and Latrobe Mitchell and Nicholson and Tambo and all these lakes formed by deposition of silt in the river delta.

Here are pictures and lake luminous rare:


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