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Hotel guests are allowed to return for the establishment of free climb the mountain

  Have you ever imagined that you live over the mountains and not any mountains, but the mountains of Italy Allowaarh This is what the group live in the mountains, but they wanted to share the experience with everyone and they work hotel on Mount Foronon Buinz who is E. Rtvaah eight thousand feet above sea level, when they intend to go to this strange hotel does not require you to draw a residence and not expenses for your stay, but only to climb the mountain ..!

 A group of Diemmelegno company built this mountain in honor mountaineer Luca Virex for their friend who died in Avalanche tragically while he was climbing a frozen waterfall in 2010 at the age of 34-year-old accident, strange that this hotel has been built using a helicopter was the transport of construction materials they need to build and used the construction operations in about thirty wooden board and was built in one day by a dozen people, including mountain climber Luca family and some volunteers and lovers and fans Luca.

 The mastermind of this idea is the famous Italian architect Giovanni Pascamsk from the Italian city of Udine chose the place and said that it is safe for mountaineers place where you can enjoy the mountains and fragrant nature of this silent place ...

 That you're someone who loves adventure not only cost you some effort to stay in this hotel and enjoy nature around him ..

Here's the strange part of the hotel up the mountain: 


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