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Harbin International Festival of colored ice

 The world is still full of lots and lots of wacky and the many wonders appeared in the recent International Harbin Festival ice at its 31 in Heilongjiang Province in China, a country wonders and curiosities It is a land of winter wonderland as they say it shall be home to the ice and snow, Phippda designers in the creation of all the odd snow including this festival, which is held every year since thirty years colored snow.

 Is one of the most celebrations attractive for tourists was opened in 1963, is displayed some palaces and statues that used in the manufacture of large ice hollow pieces that are illuminated lighting led on the banks of the Songhua River ice, organizers say the festival is working in this huge festival, more than 10 thousand people So this festival shows the form in which it appears and attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world every year ..

 Some of the pieces of a height of 26 meters and also up to 117 meters the entire site consists total area of ​​600 thousand square meters and is used 180 thousand square meters of ice and 150 thousand square meters of snow to complete all the work in the festival, serving workers weeks to carve ice cut of the frozen Songhua River.

 Will be inaugurated on January 7 of each year and closes in the month of February of the same year were counted for this festival, the 2013 and 2012 the existence of 28.5 million visitors ..!

Exhibiting side of this strange festival:


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